I collected frequently asked questions. Please read it once by all means.



Yes there is. It is prepared in a one-person room or a two-person room.


The class time zone is decided by the level of the class.
The class time is as follows.

Morning class Afternoon class Structure of the class
9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 13:15 – 16:30 45-minute lesson x 4

Students with a student visa can work part-time for a range of 28 hours a week after obtaining a “Non-Qualification Activity Permit” at the airport at the time of entry. You can work part-time for up to 40 hours a week during a long vacation.
However, there are restrictions on the type of work, so please contact the school for more information.


Yes, it is possible. Please consult with the staff of the School of International Languages of East Asia.


It is possible to go on to higher education and get a job.


Please be assured that our staff speak English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Mongolian.


Including the rent, it costs about 80,000 yen every month.


There is no A age limit, but we will judge it based on your background, so please contact us.


If you already have a visa other than a student visa, you can study in a special lecture course.


We accept students from about 30 countries, mainly from Asian countries such as China and Vietnam.


You can study at a Japanese language school for up to two years with a student visa.
Even anyone who went to another Japanese language school can study for a total of two years.


Admission on a student visa

There are enrollment periods four times a year (January, April, July and October).
If you need to apply for a student visa, please contact us in advance as the deadline is set according to the time of admission.
The enrollment period and the deadline for application are as follows. (If the capacity is reached, applications may be accepted before the deadline.)

When to enter the university January admission / April admission / July admission / October admission
Application deadline guidelines Early August of the previous year / Late October of the previous year / Early February / Late April
When to apply for immigration Mid-September of the previous year / Late November of the previous year / Mid-March / Late May
Certificate of Residence Late November / Late February / Late May / Late August
Apply for a visa at an embassy or consulate Early December of the previous year / Early March / Early June / Early September

Admissions other than student visas

If you plan to enroll on a visa other than a student visa, we accept it at any time.


International students are held four times a year in April, July, October and January. Other courses are accepted from time to time.